The Taubman Approach
and the Golandsky Institute
The Taubman Approach educates instrumental musicians with physical training using the alignments and movements that are both efficient and healthy. It also explains how to coordinate these alignments and movements with the physical principles governing any musical instrument. These newfound tools are used to produce artistic results in the act of making music.
The Taubman Approach offers its students complete physical and artistic freedom at the instrument and equips them with the requisite physical knowledge to achieve whatever musical result they desire. Students of the Approach demonstrate greater technical abilities, enhanced control over tone production and rhythmic projection, and a sense of security during performance than they previously thought possible.
At the center of the Taubman Approach is private study. While group presentations are most beneficial for theoretical explanations of the Approach, private study is essential. Each musician comes to the Approach with unique problems. Thus, he or she requires the expertise of an experienced teacher to diagnose the underlying problems and apply the principles of the Approach to help the student solve their problems.
Instruction in the Taubman Approach has two phases. In the initial phase, a complete diagnosis of the existing habits is conducted after which the fundamental alignments and movements are taught; in the second phase, the student learns how to apply the Approach to repertoire.
The benefits of the Taubman Approach can be reaped not only by performers but by musicians of all levels. The Approach has something to offer every musician at every level and in every discipline. Concert artists, teachers of music, students (pre-college, college, and graduate), and amateurs alike have all benefited enormously from the Approach.
Watch this historic documentary on the work of Dorothy Taubman!
You will see footage of the early days of The Taubman Institute and through this wonderful film understand the very foundation of what The Golandsky Institute is built upon. Now in our 13th season at Princeton University we have expanded the scope of this remarkable body of knowledge through private lessons, current lectures on the basics of the Taubman Approach, technique clinics, special presentations, concerts and performance opportunities.